
Environmental benefits

The propane engines that we have seen appearing on the market in recent years have helped meet ever more stringent environmental standards. On the other hand, four-stroke engines equipped with a heated evaporator device are usually the ones that turn liquid propane into gas.

These engines are popular with some boat owners because, among other things, they can use the same propane tanks they use with their barbecue grills or for other applications.

Several benefits are linked to the use of propane as a marine fuel:

  • It leads to better engine reliability.
  • It reduces the operating cost of watercraft.
  • It reduces GHG emissions.
  • It meets the environmental requirements for navigation in freshwater.
  • It is not a marine pollutant.
  • It does not create environmental damage if accidentally released onto land or in water and does not create long-term problems if a small or large spill occurs.
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Propane Safety

The health and safety of customers and employees are vital to the propane industry. Whether you are a first-time customer or a veteran in the propane workforce, this section offers a wide array of valuable information on the safe usage and storage of propane.

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It is illegal by Canadian law to refill cylinders without proper training!

Refillable one-pound cylinder kits manufactured to specification TC-39M, and aerosol containers are being sold in Canada.

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