
Propane boilers

Boilers are used to produce hot water or steam for use in farm buildings and greenhouses. These furnaces can be used in combination with back-up systems such as air heaters or propane radiators to create heat in a precise and localized way. They are available in a wide range of thermal capacities, in buildings of various sizes, to increase heating capacity or to create back-up systems. The water temperature for heating systems can reach up to 94°C (200°F).

Propane boilers can also be used for hot water radiant floor systems. The pipes are placed in the ground under a layer of concrete, gravel, sand or earth. Heating pipes form loops covering the entire surface of the building. The water temperature can reach 40°C (104°F).

The furnaces are energy-efficient appliances, with many new propane boilers having Energy Star certification and an annual energy efficiency rating of more than 90%.

Propane Safety

The health and safety of customers and employees are vital to the propane industry. Whether you are a first-time customer or a veteran in the propane workforce, this section offers a wide array of valuable information on the safe usage and storage of propane.

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It is illegal by Canadian law to refill cylinders without proper training!

Refillable one-pound cylinder kits manufactured to specification TC-39M, and aerosol containers are being sold in Canada.

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