
Welcome to the CPA’s media section. The CPA provides commentary on a variety of issues through our news releases and submissions to the media. Get the latest news on important issues for the propane industry.

News Releases Spotlight March 28, 2024

Canadian Propane Association Calls for Affordability and Fair Treatment in Face of Government Carbon Tax Increase

OTTAWA, March 28, 2024 – As the carbon tax is slated to increase on April 1, 2024, the Canadian Propane Association is joining numerous other calls urging the government to take a practical and equitable approach to reducing emissions.

“Tackling climate change must not come at the expense of the health and well-being of Canadians who are struggling to make ends meet,” said CPA President and CEO Shannon Watt. “We are urging the government to take a balanced approach to energy policy. Reconsidering the increase or the carbon tax itself would be prudent, particularly at a time when affordability is a widespread concern and energy derived from conventional sources remains a vital necessity.”

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  • News Releases

Ground-breaking study shows how renewable propane can be developed in Canada

March 20, 2024

OTTAWA, MARCH 20, 2024 – The Canadian Propane Association (CPA) has launched the Propane Decarbonization Roadmap for Canada. This first-of-its-kind study provides technical evidence to support renewable propane production in Canada.

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  • News Releases

All low-emission options must be considered for energy resiliency in Ontario

February 26, 2024

TORONTO, February 26, 2024 – The Canadian Propane Association is speaking with Ontario Members of Provincial Parliament to discuss prioritizing affordable energy. In its efforts to reduce emissions, the province must ensure that all Ontarians, no matter where they live, can access low-emission energy to heat their homes and businesses. Propane can play a crucial role in supplying cost-effective energy, especially for rural, remote, and Indigenous communities who do not have access to natural gas and electricity.

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  • Submissions

CPA submission in response to the federal government's Regulatory Framework to Cap Oil and Gas Sector Greenhouse Emissions

February 8, 2024

We need all forms of low-emission energy for a resilient and sustainable future for Canada, a future that includes lower-emission propane. The government must develop policies that address reliability, affordability, and low-emission energy options equitably and ensure fulsome collaboration with all stakeholders.

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  • News Releases

Changes to C-234 mean lost opportunity for farmers and consumers

December 6, 2023

OTTAWA, December 6, 2023  The Canadian Propane Association (CPA) is extremely disappointed that the Senate of Canada has amended Bill C-234 delaying, possibly indefinitely, changes that would have reduced farming costs. 

“This Bill should have been passed,” said Shannon Watt, President and CEO of the CPA. “Diesel and gasoline are already exempt from the carbon tax under the regulations, and it makes no sense that low-emission energy sources like propane and natural gas were excluded. This Private Members Bill was to correct that oversight but unfortunately, other agendas were at play.  

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  • News Releases

Senate must pass original version of C-234 for the benefit of farmers and families

October 31, 2023

The Canadian Propane Association is joining agriculture groups from across Canada in calling on the Senate of Canada to reject the proposed amendment to remove heating and cooling of barns and greenhouses from Bill C-234, An Act to amend the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act (GGPPA). 

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  • Blog

Unlocking Low-Emission and Affordable Benefits of Auto Propane for Fleets

October 29, 2023

Offering a unique combination of low emissions and affordability, auto propane presents a compelling solution for fleet operators looking to minimize their carbon footprint while keeping operational costs in check. Here are some key benefits of adopting auto propane for fleets.

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  • News Releases

Government must fix oversight, include propane in rural energy assistance

October 27, 2023

“Propane, like heating oil, is a rural fuel” – CPA President

OTTAWA, October 27, 2023 – As Prime Minister Trudeau looks to deliver support on energy bills to Atlantic Canadians and other rural areas across the country, the Canadian Propane Association is calling on the federal government to include propane in its three-year carbon tax pause for rural heating.

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  • Spotlight

The AgriNews: Cultivating a Greener Future: The benefits of renewable propane for farmers

October 12, 2023

Propane is a critical low-emission energy source for Canada’s agriculture community. It provides the versatility and portability that farmers need to dry their crops, heat their barns and greenhouses, and power equipment, vehicles, mowers, and so much more.


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  • News Releases

Federal government should remove GST on residential energy

September 28, 2023

OTTAWA, September 29, 2023 Heating needs to be affordable for everyone, not just the wealthy. As the House of Commons continues to debate C-56, The Affordable Housing and Groceries Act, the Canadian Propane Association (CPA) is calling on Members of Parliament to make life more affordable for Canadians this winter by eliminating the Goods and Services Tax (GST) from home energy bills.  

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  • News Releases

Change to GST could save billions in energy costs for Canadians – propane industry

August 21, 2023

OTTAWA, August 21, 2023 As the Prime Minister meets with his federal cabinet to find ways to make life more affordable for Canadian families, his government should immediately consider removing the GST on home heating. 

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  • Submissions

CALGARY HERALD: Energy choice for a greener future should include propane

August 19, 2023

Canadian-made propane is often overlooked as an affordable, low-emission energy that is reliable, even when the sun doesn’t shine or the wind doesn’t blow.

OPINION | BY SHANNON WATT | August 19, 2023

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  • Spotlight

LPG Talks with Shannon Watt

August 1, 2023

From meteorology to propane, CPA President Shannon Watt speaks with WLPGA’s Michael Kelly and why transitioning to zero emissions is a “dial not a switch” and why low-emission propane is the perfect energy source to help get us there.

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